domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018!

Les deseo un prospero año nuevo 2018! ¡Gracias por seguir adelante con tu vida con alegría junto ami ! ¡ Espero sigas compartiendo tu presencia con migo y con los demás siempre! 

Les dejo a la Señorita "SnowKat" ella bailara y cantara para ustedes en esta víspera de año nuevo, y A todos los que ven este arte : Los pinte ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽ Son esos espíritus azules, con gigantes ojos dorados- Es la forma como veo a la gente en redes sociales hoy en día: como espíritus, que están alrededor viéndote, y esperando ¡Saber mas de la vida para compartir con los demás!! 

Thanks for this year !! Hope and  Happy wishes for you all this coming 2018!

I leave to you my dear and always sexy : Mrs. SnowKat , she will perform a special magic dance and songs to cheer your spirit this New Year's eve!  

⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽ You are represented by the cute eyeball ghost! coz I feel that way about social media.. kinda like interacting and sharing with cute spirits ¡all around you! 

miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017

Los Fantasmas de Ebenezer Scrooge

(╯✧∇✧)╯ Realmente soy Fan de esta historia, es mi cuento favorito desde niño en estas fiestas decembrinas! Y si tuviera la oportunidad me gustaría convertirme en uno de esos espíritus navideños y jalare las orejas a varios...jajaja!  Para que disfruten mas la vida!!

Este cuento narra tan bien la calidad humana, y su potencial de ser mejores , liberando su pasado, observando su presente y anticipando su futuro con amor, que siempre es muy inspirador hacer todos los personajes cada año... Así que esta vez se los comparto a todos !!!

(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ Les deseo una Feliz Navidad siempre dentro de sus corazones ! y que su mejor regalo que den sea su compañía y presencia en cualquiera de sus formas! virtual, de memoria o física! 

Espero disfruten un día la lectura de : "Un cuento de Navidad" ( A Christmas carol) por el  gran escritor Charles Dickens, y puedan ver una de sus muchas adaptaciones en películas desde que inicio el cine  de este genero en 1935 hasta su mas nueva película del 2017 biográfica llamada :

" The Man Who Invented Christmas "

Donde se cree Scrooge era un personaje basado en el padre de este escritor...

¡Espero les guste ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽ como a mi me encanto dibujarlos y pintarlos estos días entre el festín y las celebraciones navideñas! 

sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017

(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ a Christmas carol's ghost story!

The Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and future take a visit to old Scrooge. And I do love to draw them every Christmas eve..

so hopefully I can paint this cheerfully, along with  the classic tale of Charles Dickens's Christmas carols  characters that  make my holiday merrier! 

(ノ≧∀≦)ノThis will be the sketch... though  I have much to  cook,  so wish me  time like Scrooge had to finish  his spiritual visits, haha! 

sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

(ノ^∇^)ノ゚ Super Saiyajin God Angel

 "Whis or Wiss", 「(゚<゚)゙?? I have not much idea how to write it yet...

He is the top power right now, he  is an Angel class,  and also more powerful than any God of destruction, and since Goku, will be his new apprentice well, I figure it out , that he must have some  good transformation waiting to be shown  

Also took reference from all the  colors that the God Saiyajin's transformation, and gods rivals have shown  already...

Here comes the sketch! 

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017


The Sweet Candy Witch of the underworld
Dulzhe comes from Xibalba , the Mayan underworld, she can make especial magic recipes that look sweet though they are really deadly, her Rod is especially made for awaken the spirit’s elemental energy, she is in charge to find and to protect all the innocent souls that must escape from a dark place to a better dimension. 

List of abilities : 

Spirit Shield:  Boost SPR 50% to all allies, and Auto revive to caster for 3 turns
Sweet Aura: Chance to evade Magic damage taken 40% recover MP 5% per turn
Spirit Flame: Inflict Charm 40% and decrease all elemental resistance (45%) to all enemies for 2 turns
Spirit Transformation: Skip the next 2 turns for one ally. The ally casts 100 % MP or HP recover to all allies on each skipped turn.
Bad Candy: Inflict death to caster (10%) increase chance (80%) to revive one ally with 100% MAG
Visions of Death: Auto Revive (80% HP) for 5 turns one ally
Whisper soul: Increase Dark and Light Resistance (90%) for 3 turns to all allies 
Black Sugar: Ice, Wind and Dark magic damage (3.5x) to all enemies
Pink Sugar: Ice, Fire and Light magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies
Sugar Rain: Ice, Water and Wind magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies
Brown Sugar: Ice, Stone and Dark magic damage (3.0x) to all enemies

Master Sugar Candy: use sugar skills twice in one turn

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

o(^▽^)o FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS characters  fan art wallpaper for free !! haha! 

 There is #Lasswell , #Rain  the main characters of this world, and the pretty #DarkFina , since she does look more cool for me than regular archer Fina...

 Its a free to play game  in mobile , so its a bit fun for those in between times where you want to have a break of work !

Hope all you fans enjoy! 

And maybe  I could do more... ( ̄へ ̄)

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

(°◡°♡).:。Dia de Muertos

Hola este día es de recordar y ver con amor esas personas que dejaron en nuestro pasado un mejor presente ! Gracias a todas las personas y animales que hacen de esto posible ! 

Today we celebrate "Día de los Muertos" ,  ( Day of the Death ) a festival full of joy in Mexico, since  we know:  all of us will eventually end up together at last!

 Hope you enjoy remembering the good things that happens thanks to all those that are part from us, in body, though never from spirit and love ... ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱♡

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

La Bruja del Mar

Tiempo de brujas !! Uno de mis favoritos del año, ya que soy fan de las brujas.

Las brujas para mi son un símbolo del poder femenino del planeta, y de su magia que se manifiesta en poderes de nuestro hermoso universo creador ,

Cada bruja es distinta , como lo manifiestan estas divertidas mujeres, que asumen su verdadera naturaleza y no tienen temor a expresarla....

Espero gocen estas fechas de días de los santos, pero  no con miedo,  si no con asombro a lo maravillo que es la magia de vivir ! 
Aquí les dejo una bruja llamada Xelha,  que le enseña a mi personaje Alox, a crear con su imaginación  magia nueva , ella es una bruja del agua! 

¿Que tipo de bruja eres tu?「(゚ペ)?

Mas arte de brujas en el futuro ... (^∇^)

The season of the #Witch !  They are for me a great topic to do , and this #Halloween , wont be a strange thing that I do some wicked art related to them ! 

I hope you enjoy the #water witch called #Xelha , she is Alox´s tutor , in one of his many dimensional travels, where she will gave to him , the knowledge of magic that can create new shapes of magic with the use of his imagination...

If you see some gold fish? They are wishes that Xelha ,  grants to her magical students; when the recover the meaning of their true imagination...  

martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

Σ(・ิ¬・ิ) A new vampire...

so this is the idea of a dark blood demon, that looks as a young woman, besides her , theres a little spider demon pet, that does not get scared by her face ever.. no matter how hard she tries .. also she likes to wear the blood as a fashion statement.. 

Well I was going for the folklore Mexican´s character called " La Llorrona" a woman that you hear at the night crying at loud for the dead ones.. mostly her children..  Though to me was more like a Ghostly woman that can suck the life out of people.. so she was like a  half: demon spirit, and half vampire succubus type ...  Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)?? 

(✧۝✧)/ hope you enjoy her funny wicked face !

for the mean time... 

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ Bruja Mama Hongo

¡¡Pues la temporada oficial de brujas comienza hoy !! 

Así que dejo esta tarjeta para ella, celebrándola y todos sus logros que hace  cuando esta repartiendo sus esporas de luz por donde ella va...

Gracias por darnos tanto!

 Te ama quiere siempre tu hijo 

⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽ Axel !

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ Final Fantasy - Cloud y Rydia

Bien #Final Fantasy  IV  y VII , son los personajes que escogí para presentar mi Fan Art del Mes!  pienso hacer esta practica por ahora para el tiempo "Relax" en mi pintura, y darme  un poco de mi tiempo libre, fuera de los  múltiples proyectos que tengo siempre en marcha profesionalmente, este arte me  da  algo que hacer, en un tema que me gusta, y al mismo tiempo muestra mi punto de vista en diseño de personajes ..  

Espero les gusten! y nos vemos pronto con mas arte! 

Para los curiosos : 

Rydia : se especializa en magia de  llamados mágicos para traer espíritus elementales de otra dimension a  su mundo, ellos la apoyan con mas magia y poder para defender causas justas.

Cloud: Es un ex-soldado , que usa su genética modificada de demonios, dándole:  una super fuerza, y velocidad que lo ayudan a defender su mundo y  amigos, de una destrucción apocalíptica que siempre esta presente en su historia. 

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° sketch de La casa de los dulces

Bien pues mi historia de la famosa bruja de los Dulces,  basado en el cuento de Hansel y Gretel, es siempre una buena excusa para usar de ejemplo en mis clases! 

Y esta vez me toca explicar como trabajar la perspectiva isometrica, la cuál nos da una sensación de escala para saber como manejar mejor el plan de un set o mundo , tipo maqueta.. Este tipo de dibujo es mas usado para diseño de niveles en video-juegos, o cualquier producción que ocupa una vision de construcción para 3D ... 

 Estos bocetos no deben aun verse limpios, ya que están en la etapa de ver que  es lo que hace cada geometría que diseñe aquí! sin mucho detalle... 

Uso una pequeña idea de quien es ella, en mi ejemplo de esta imagen, para saber : ¿Quien es la bruja que vive ahí?  Mostrando lo mejor que pueda su personalidad en su diseño, respondiéndome siempre  ; si este es el tipo de mundo que quiero para  quien resulta ser ( en mi caso ) , un personaje  principal  en mi historia la afamada  "Bruja de los Dulces ". ( nombre aun pendiente) .

Bien espero ver mas sus avances aquellos que tengan esta clase con migo! Y nos vemos pronto con mas imágenes y tutoriales... (⌒▽⌒)☆

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

Arte de Lotería Mexicana , La Botella

Did you miss me? (^~^;)ゞ Well here we go lots of catch up to do with #ArtedeLoteria #Mexicana this is the Bottle theme character #laBotella, were a Witch can not have to many of them right? Since they can be useful for even drinking at Friday nights! 

This is some of the work in progress I had week ago , but work was a bit full to finally render the idea.. 

jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

Los dulces y sus Thumbs con Perspectiva

La diversion nunca termina con la perspectiva Axonométrica!

Video parte I :

Video Parte II:

Procesos de Thumbnails para Props

Clase de Fundamentos del diseño!! Parte I !

veamos como hacer casas para gnomos ! yo estoy experimentado para las pequeñas personas de mi vida darles esos diseños jajaja! #mamahongo

les dejo aquí la imagen de lo que se esta trabajando en el video! 

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

Dune- Portafolio Tutorial 「(゚ペ)

Hi y'all!
this is an intended help for my student at the university, where I am showing  some samples of step by step easy to do images for portafolio, that will come handy for any art student that its coming to start their own portafolio , in order to be prepared for a profesional life in animation or art design ... 

My sample Project will be about the  Science Fiction Novel from Frank Herbert´s  DUNE:
This it is what we know as theme;Witch it is an important issue to have, in every portafolio that will be shown to an studio, this is helpful for 3 main reason : 

#1- Any studio will be dealing with a story and  YOU will be  hire as an artist within your own special skills,  to solve  it!  

#2- Shows that you can deal with diversity in your art,  and that you can customize a project that will appeal to the studio that you are trying to get in. 

#3-It is easier to be sold as an artist for the quality that you do in art with a theme that many will understand,   rather than be 100% original in a story of your own.. Why? - Because  many people wont understand it, they don´t know it , its new, and for this very reason you art could be lost in translate all those emotions or meanings that a story that we already know gave us,  and this will be a step back to sell your own specials skills.. that if its is to write stories, a visual portafolio wont be the best way to do  it, since it is not a final product. like a comic book or a graphic novel to name a few...

Now We must first came up with a cover, this will help you to sell your theme and also the main thing you like to do: 
Concept art : Get the best  cinematic composition possible, and good art fundamentals in all you do , realistic or cartoon art will depend on the studio it is going to be for.
Visual development : then you must sell stylised cartoons that can be animated with visual story telling values.
Editorial Illustrator: Show a stunning composition that  can encase your unique art direction and art Technics, with out sacrificing the story and theme that will be told in a book.
Comic or Graphic Novel: Get the best impact composition that will show how well you can tell a whole story with just one cover image... do not forget that this art wont be in motion so you must add that cense of movement by your own choices .. 
Story Board: MUST be Cinematic, well composed values, nice contrast between the narrative and very easy to see what its going on ... be entertained on any shoot you choose .. 
Graphic or Industrial Design. Be clean, don get to many elements in one image,  be organized, and be graceful to show what is the personality you do in the design you make. this cover it is your first or last impression to many ... 

So here it is first I will start thumbnails using only abstract figures and simple colors to get my image of what a need to render or not in a simple shape... After that I go to render some sketches on top of those to be more prepared i do some thumbs on the silhouettes for the character that will be there, I always go for the main characters that will be more easy to relate with the theme I have.. 

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017

sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

La escalera - The stairs

 ( ̄▽+ ̄*) some sexy out of the ancient mayan inspired culture, for the #STAIRS " La #Escalera" artwork character in #ArtedeLoteria , #LoteriaMexicana , This is  some idea of what to climb for .. when you had the game called "Serpientes y Escaleras" or badly translated to : ( Snakes and stairs ) witch is about the theme I star up!  The character comes form one of my original stories a Wizard ( Chaman)  that could transform him self into a Mayan God, he also is a key element to the main plot  .. 

#ArtedeLoteria for the #AxelEztudio  challenge

ヾ(^∇^) Thanks so much for the comments or likes!!  

miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017

(⌒▽⌒)~♪ゞ (♥ω♥ ) La Sirena -The Mermaid

Water is always one of my favorite topics with characters! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

I give you #LaSirena , artwork for #ArtedeLoteria in the #AxelEztudio Challange! These 2 sisters come from the tropical Mayan jungles, in #IslaMujeres, where you sometimes find Mermaids who use turtles as a disguise or friends also ...

Hope you enjoy! more art coming this weekend!   ( ó╻ò)

viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

。(*^▽^*)ゞ Mermaid Process- La Sirena Proceso

Well Some Process for the  Artwork of Mermaid in #ArtedeLoteria with the characters I am having for The Mermaid (s) or " La Sirena "  were Isla Mujeres an island  near Cancun was my inspiration, They use to have  huge turtles, and Xelha Princess and patron of the water , was like a mermaid mother to  all her princess in the oceans ...

SO this is just the sketch and thumbnail , next comes the paint!! (・∧‐)ゞ Witch it must be done for this weekend!!!

sábado, 8 de julio de 2017

°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° El Paraguas- The Umbrella

This will be the 5th #artedeloteria Artwork character from my #AxelEztudio  project , with the Umbrella theme set up in a  lovely rain , this handy gadget its made to protect you.. so I thought to made it with my best friends and family that its in my every day life.. my pets! (°◡°♡).:。

(^▽^) Hope you enjoy the moment or the colors or something hahaha!  

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

(∪ ◡ ∪) El Catrin - The Dandy

I present to you the must elegant men in the collection : The Dandy "El Catrin" the 4th artwork for the Mexican´s lottery .

He is based on my original character Avhel a great powerful wizard that collects the spirits of witches that bring him to alternate dimensions ... his crow pet its an important personal message for me!

Hope you enjoy this artwork of a  smart handsome men! ٩◔‿◔۶

lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

( ´_⊃`)Gregor Samsa-Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)The Metamorphosis - 
La Metamorfosis- sketch of the day to remember! 

Its a great book to remind you abut human nature
 ... its what you are that makes you , not what others think about you ...

Happy Birthday Franz Kafka- Sketch of the day! 

final sketch : 

work in progress of the idea:

domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

(n˘v˘•)¬ ♥ Portrait for Abril

A brave woman that inspires me her inner and outside beauty for characters like Zherezada. 

 This artwork its a  not complicated portrait art that has the mission to show  a young friend called Abril , she just turned 15 years, and she is a young lady that had recover her self from many problems! She likes to dance and with fabrics in the air so her dress is made of feathers , she has many dreams shown like Monarch butterflies here , to show her roots as an iconic Mexican symbol as well. She likes dark fashion but also ethnic beauty , I see her as a royal princess from a far away kingdom....

Hope  you like her ....

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ More Lottery art work will come up next week! 

sábado, 1 de julio de 2017

(✿ ♥‿♥) LA DAMA - The Lady

The third artwork of the Mexican´s Lottery :
 " THE LADY" -"La Dama" 
She is the representation of the feminine seduction in a classy way ! so for me that's also  a butterfly as well full of that elegance and sassiness (stylish and spirited nature)  in just one feminine curvy body! 

Hope you like her! 

viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

ಠ◡ಠ El Diablo-The Devil

 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ "El Diablo" 2nd character  in Mexican Lottery artwork  #ArtedeLoteria  : The Devil is neither a he or she,   but it does have some attitude to troll people with his big tail full of deception and lies .. where see no evil in reverse, was the topic of that big hat full of secrets ..

 So its fun to imagine  this character  do some mischief here and there with the weak at will power to get through their own problems ! 

Any how , "El Diablo" its mustily a character that many religions use to get a portrait of human´s bad behaviour. 

In my opinion its a very unrealistic character so I don't take it too seriously this idea of his existence , rather than just take his design as a reminder  to watch and get real solutions with  my own  problems with wisdom and discipline of the heart and mind, that so many times get me into trouble when I don't do it!!(≧д≦ヾ)  

Trabajos en progreso ARte de Loteria

Pues les comparto lo que debe hacer uno antes de crear estas tarjetas de #ArtedeLoteria que patrocina los premios de este reto  #AxelEztudio  :

1*Primero Thumbs de su composición y de quien podría ser su tentativo personaje dentro de esta tarjeta según se de el tema: este proceso no me toma mas 5 minutos cada propuesta , y me ayuda mucho a editar lo que quiero hacer visualmente !! 

2* Tener solo 6 colores que limiten mi arte con personaje, incluyendo BG /background) , o fondo , de esta forma no estoy teniendo colores repetidos con la misma paleta en ninguna de las 54 tarjetas...  

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

(ペ◇゚)」"EL GALLO" or Rooster or Cock (*゚ー゚)ゞ

El Gallito, its my character of the  very FIRST card in this Mexican Lottery Game!! 

He is the must cocky guy in this cards  get it ? ?? (ノ*゜▽゜*)... O well  was meant to be fun for me while I paint it!! 

Also its a bit  of a tradition in Mexican fairs the  Cock fight!! And that is funny to for me to 
。(*^▽^*)ゞ  if you really think about it...
 in the must colorful way ... (*゚∀゚*)

Anyways hope you liked this one ..

(ノ・ェ・)ノ Since more unique characters I will be doing for each card that they will represent! 

lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Horace Slughorn

Just in time to celebrate Harry Potter´s 20th anniversary !  I give you the nicest Slytherin member for me , with one of my favorite topics at Hogwarts that is potions!! I love that class! and with him is  his precious Francis !! you know Lilly´s present!(n˘v˘•)¬ ♥╣[-_-]╠♥

I hope you all have a wonderful day, week or year remembering how great this books was for many many people like myself! 

domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

☆(◒‿◒)☆ Mexican´s Lottery artwork

(^ー^)Well time to get things done ! once I finish it as fast as I can,  this could   become an art book with other artist , to get some founds for more art projects hopefully! 

here I show you  the list of the art I must do:

(´∀`)♡ Alox Pride Pin UP

(´∀`)♡ I share the love that my character Alox spreads as a message through his story that its currently under development at  "Axel Eztudio"  Hope you enjoy this colourful art  that wants to keep alive the human emotion in every way possible that make us better been together than apart! (°◡°♡).:。#respect

viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

(▰˘◡˘▰)Alox Pin Up - preview

Well some might want to see the process I just start it today to paint finally my Alox pin up! where colors will be used with out caution, just the way i like to see all the beauty in life! also express better my culture and Mexican art color values ! (whatever that mean for you)

Ce ya soon! (∪ ◡ ∪) 

jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

\(;゚∇゚)/ Grey Jedi Princess

Well I am an 80´s kid! so Star Wars its on my childhood memory ,and lucky for me also worked in it later on! 
But I want it to make something out of the usual context !  that wont be the characters and stories that Hollywood always does to play safe! 

So I need a protagonist I can relate to, and also to be a different strong woman... This is why I made this alien Princess, she was trained by her sister´s father as a Jedi , but then her aunt  turned an inquisitor in order to survive with the empire,  so she is now able to get more the knowledge by their two branches, the way in which  the grey zone of the force is, meaning she is not all is white or black type ..but more to work towards what makes more sense in the universe for the time she is there, she has an unique staff that has 3 Jedi crystals, its a weapon of her own invention, and her companion :"Votzy" its her little reminder of doing whats in the agenda for her to earn the respect she needs to recover her kingdom!  

hope you like her, coz I have the whole crew all set up already ...

When I do fan Art! since I write and make up fantasy worlds of my own! I rather use something completely new that could fit into the franchise or brand, that I am using for inspiration rather that just draw what its hip and trend! This practice help me lots to learn more into my flexible points toward various designs and point of views !

This wont be a full render art, rather than just a visual development to get that style  I am looking for the production! 

.。゚+.ヽ| ゝ∀・*|ノ。+.゚ Hope you like her! 

martes, 20 de junio de 2017

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Zherezade-explorations

Well some more ideas to explore about the main character on the story and her personality --- also I am doubting what hairstyle and final age will be the right one on each sketch , I try to answer this..

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

(∪ ◡ ∪) Zherezade Visual development

I put as an example , the first process in visual development  in a main character for an animated production, that many studios have. 

This image sows, how every artist must think in the design , with the aspect of her acting in the story, with some clear style that will be more in development later, then  the world she or he comes from , and the close friends,. or companions she/he,  learn to be around within  the beginning of the story.

This is an image that is the first impression from the character and her world to all  of us, this is an image we all  have in any character in any story : so it  must be successful at  selling this character ! 

This process of drawing is kinda like you where  a casting director, you must  make a decision for the role for each concept in here,  such as the sets (BG) that your production will be showing in  the story

 If this first impression does goes the right way , I can keep going with the development , in case this does not feels natural to the story , then its time to make more research and more drawing! 

lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

〜(^∇^〜)Toth- the God of Wisdom & Magic(〜^∇^)〜

Zherezade my character must learn some magic, and the best place to do it will be at the kingdom of the Wisdom , where magic its one of their greatest assets to get to prove that you  have achieved an excellent grade of wisdom.. 

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Zherezade´s Transformation ヽ(´∀`ヽ)

Here we go  a fresh idea, right from the sketch book! maybe Zherezade likes to have long magical hair in this shape where her powers have a especial ability ... does she looks good?  「(゚ペ) I don't know yet! 
Need to sketch her more! (^~^;)ゞ

martes, 6 de junio de 2017

(゚ヮ゚) The Tiger Horuz

Horuz, comes from a far away place.  Horuz has a very dark past, he is Zherezade´s best friend.

 He is one of the must valued team members in her adventure, Horuz will gave her the true knowledge of strengthen her spirit : this way she will be able to  fight  in magical arts, something  she will need to  use , if she wants to remove some heavy obstacles in her path. In order to get the thing she wants must...

This is the Pitch idea for this character , meaning its purely experimental and from here on,  I will go to the development phase !  Hope you enjoy this process in your own characters or with this story!  

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

(╯3╰) Zherezade & Friends-Exploration sketch Faces

Well when you start having a first read in a script ,  when you have characters such as the protagonist, and the secondary ones that get to be very important in the story.  You  need to get your visual development ideas moving,  for this  FIRST I recommend explore what are you going to do? 

1- Go just for pencil ideas, (either  traditional or digital)  no render no color no buts!
2- You must first get the exploration sketches  meaning sketching  a personality, this comes right as your first impression,  some artist need research before the drawing if they are not to familiar or over exposed to the idea.. 
3- Get some realistic approach first ,  this helps you imagine better what do you want to do with the style of the character later.
4- Just go over the age that the character shows at the story ,  this way you don't loose time having to trim down more ideas that make the process slower and sometimes not needed...