.+:。(ノ・ω・)ノ゙ I Like purple ...and wise looking characters.. So Gen has that attitude for the rightful classic martian master mood, also he is Chun-Li's father friend , so he is not that evil.. as the usual older masters in the Street Fighter story line... I do enjoy more this design I wet for, If Gen will be a more flashy character ... I imagine him, from his original play style, with combos, using his speed ; combined with a multiple ghost arms, witch will look like a martial secret Techniques o(*>ω<*)o I had to add a little chibi Gen for him to be complete in my head!!
( ^∇^) This will be my own interpretation for Rose, I really like her mystical abilities in the Street Fighter saga, (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ I went for a modern, fashion, gypsy, stylish ; re-design, and also want her to be more practical for her fighting style with her magic scarf, and her soul power combos with props such as the tarot cards that as a seer she always use..
I have no idea witch expression suit her best for her final presentation 「(゚ペ)??
ヾ(。・ω・)シ This will the first color sketch I did at night once I finish the 3 exploration sketches from the post bellow..
Hi all!ヾ(^∇^) Well been working long days on my own big story , and I can show you some great concept art , that I am proud to see in development already! (≧∇≦)/ Lets start with this big lady called "Kroko Drak" she is known in the stories as the big and mean crocodile that hunts Captain Hook, although in my world of TAROT , she is so much more than you already know... ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ All I can say, for the moment; is that she is Hook´s Pet